Longer Vegetation Season @ MMSF paper published
Dragoni D, C Wayson, H Potter, HP Schmid, CSB Grimmond, JC Randolph (2010) Evidence of increased net ecosystem productivity associated with a longer vegetated season in a deciduous forest in south-central Indiana, USA, Global Change Biology doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2010.02281.x
(group from Indiana University)
AMS 29th Conf. Agricultural & Forest Meteorology, August 2–6, 2010 Keystone, Colorado, USA
Froelich NJ, CSB Grimmond, HP Schmid Modeling Nocturnal Cooling Below a Forest Canopy (IU group)
AMS 19th Symp. on Boundary Layers & Turbulence, Aug 2–6, 2010 Keystone
Ward HC, JG Evans, HAR De Bruin, CSB Grimmond Scintillometry with non-uniform crosswind fields
Dragoni D, HP Schmid, CA Wayson, CSB Grimmond, JC Randolph, H Potter Evidence of increased net ecosystem productivity associated with a longer vegetated season in a deciduous forest in south-central Indiana, USA (IU group)
Froelich NJ, CSB Grimmond, HP Schmid Using sky view factor to model radiation & thermal structure within & above a forest canopy in sloping terrain. (IU group)