- GRIMMOND C.S.B. and T.R. Oke. 1999: Aerodynamic properties of urban areas derived from analysis of surface form. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 38, 1262–1292. pdf erratum
- GRIMMOND C.S.B. and T.R. Oke. 1999. Rates of evaporation in urban areas. Impacts of Urban Growth on Surface and Ground Waters. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publication, 259, 235-243. pdf
- Oke TR, R Spronken-Smith, E Jauregui and CSB GRIMMOND. 1999: The energy balance of central Mexico City during the dry season. Atmospheric Environment, 33, 3919-3930. pdf
- GRIMMOND CSB and TR Oke. 1999: Heat storage in urban areas: observations and evaluation of a simple model. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 38, 922-940. pdf
- GRIMMOND CSB, TS King, M Roth and TR Oke. 1998: Aerodynamic roughness of urban areas derived from wind observations. Boundary Layer Meteorology, 89, 1-24. PDF
- Arnfield AJ and CSB GRIMMOND. 1998: An urban canyon energy budget model and its application to urban storage heat flux modelling. Energy and Buildings, 27, 61-68. pdf
- Souch C, CSB GRIMMOND, C Wolfe 1998: Evaporation rates for wetlands with different disturbance histories: Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. Wetlands, 18, 216-229. pdf
- Souch C, C Wolfe and CSB GRIMMOND. 1996: Wetland evaporation and energy partitioning: Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. Journal of Hydrology, 184, 189-208. pdf
- GRIMMOND CSB, C Souch and M Hubble 1996: The influence of tree cover on summertime energy balance fluxes, San Gabriel Valley, Los Angeles. Climate Research, 6, 45-57. PDF
- GRIMMOND CSB and TR Oke. 1995: Comparison of heat fluxes from summertime observations in the suburbs of four North American cities. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 34, 873-889. pdf
- GRIMMOND CSB and HA Cleugh. 1994: A simple method to determine obukhov lengths for suburban areas.Journal of Applied Meteorology, 33, 435-440. pdf
- GRIMMOND CSB and C Souch. 1994: Surface description for urban climate studies: a GIS based methodology. Geocarto International, 9, 47-59. pdf
- GRIMMOND CSB, TR Oke, HA Cleugh 1993: The role of “rural” in comparisons of observed suburban – rural flux differences. Exchange processes at the land surface for a range of space and time scales, International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publication, 212, 165-174. pdf
- GRIMMOND CSB, SA Isard and MJ Belding. 1992: Development and evaluation of continuously weighing mini-lysimeters. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 62, 205-218. pdf
- GRIMMOND CSB 1992: The suburban energy balance: methodological considerations and results for a mid-latitude west coast city under winter and spring conditions. International Journal of Climatology, 12, 481-497. pdf
- GRIMMOND CSB and TR Oke. 1991: An evaporation-interception model for urban areas. Water Resources Research, 27, 1739-1755. PDF erratum
- GRIMMOND CSB, HA Cleugh and TR Oke. 1991: An objective urban heat storage model and its comparison with other schemes. Atmospheric Environment, 25B, 311-326. pdf
- Schmid HP, HA Cleugh, CSB GRIMMOND and TR Oke 1991: Spatial variability of energy fluxes in suburban terrain. Boundary Layer Meteorology, 54, 249-276 pdf
- GRIMMOND CSB, TR Oke and DG Steyn 1986: Urban water balance I: A model for dauily totals. Water Resources Research, 22, 1404-1412.pdf
- GRIMMOND C.S.B. and T.R. Oke 1986: Urban water balance II: Results from a suburb of Vancouver, B.C. Water Resources Research, 22, 1404-1412. pdf